This project attempts to create a sub 50 Euro "real" smart-watch.
Read moreThe current generation "smart" watches get their smarts from a Bluetooth connected device, in most cases a smartphone. Without this device they are useless.
Fully customizable OpenHardware design for maximum flexibility.
The ijWare platform and ijStore apps are writen in Lua for ease of modification.
All current opensource smartwatches are based on the Arduino platform, while eaasy to use and widely supported, it is a bit underpowered for web applications.
The ijWatch is here to challange all that and more.
The idea of ijWare is to create a simple platform for sharing mobile apps on inexpensive hardware. Create a smart-watch or a smart-radio, transform any device into a smart device.
ijWareCreate real smart devices for your intranet-of-things. Every bit can be modified, upgraded and replaced, there are no black-boxes, no magic and no limits except for your own creativity.
The curerent state is that I have most of the ijWatch working on a breadboard, that includes using the ijStore and doing running some minimal apps.